What the heck does “Indispensable Key Talent” mean anyway?
Indispensable Key Talent - Adaptable, high impact professionals who deliver tremendous impact no matter their job function.
As a business, do you presently have people you consider to be INDISPENSABLE at your place of work or with your clients? Most businesses need to find these kinds of people to help their companies grow but have no clue how to go about the process of finding them and bringing them into the business.
Indispensable Key Talent isn’t indispensable merely BECAUSE they are different, but the only way to BE indispensable is to BE different. The only way to get the true worth from a person like this is to allow them to stand out, to be emotionally present, to be seen as indispensable, and to produce interactions that organizations and people care deeply about.
Most of these things DO indeed involve Risk-Taking …. Are you as a company willing to take risks to find the right people? Are you willing to allow your people to take risks to grow the company?
What would make someone amazingly good at their job? The competitive advantage the marketplace demands is someone more human, more connected, and more mature.
A business needs to be seeking ….
Someone with passion and energy, capable of seeing things as they are and negotiating multiple priorities as he or she makes useful decisions without fear, anxiety or doubt (FUD).
Someone flexible and adaptable in the face of change
Someone who might bend but not break in the face of uncertainty.
The 8 Attributes of Indispensable Key Talent include:
Someone who is remarkable
Someone who is fearless
Someone who is generous to others internally and externally to the business
Someone who is relentless
Someone who is as comfortable with science as with making art.
Someone who is willing to make judgment calls without first seeking agreement.
Someone who is shameless relative to asking for assistance when needed.
Someone who connects the dots, people, and ideas.
All of these attributes are choices, not talents, and all of them are part of the mindset of a business professional who is Indispensable Key Talent.
The value of this kind of person is far more than just the sum of all of those parts. That kind of mindset turns this kind of a person into a superb problem solver within a business
We are going to talk about the first four of these attributes today ….
Being Remarkable
Being Fearless
Being Generous
Being Relentless
Someone who is remarkable
Companies often work really hard to bury the natural-born instincts of their key talent. You must give them permission to …. Be human. Contribute. Interact. Take the risk that they might make someone upset with their initiative, innovation, and insight—they will probably delight you instead of upsetting you.
Someone who is fearless
Fearless doesn’t really mean without fear. What it means is in practice the person is simply, unafraid of things that one shouldn’t be afraid of. Being fearless means giving a presentation to an important customer without losing a night’s sleep. It means being willing to take intellectual risks and to forge a new path. The fear is about an IMAGINED threat, so avoiding the fear allows them to actually accomplish something. Allow them to be fearless without you judging them.
Someone one who is generous
When one gives something away, they often benefit more than the recipient does. The act of being generous can make one rich beyond measure, and as the goods or services spread through the community, everyone benefits. As a manager, it may be hard to watch one of these Indispensable Key Talents assist others to make their job easier while seemingly ignoring their own work. Successful and skilled people give away their expertise to spread their ideas.
Someone who is relentless
Passion is a desire, insistence, and willingness to give a gift. The best professionals do not feel complete until they feel they have given something to others. This is more than refusing to do lousy work; it’s an insistence on doing important work. This relentless passion leads to persistence and resilience in the face of people not accepting your gift. There’s a strong streak of intellectual honor involved in giving away their knowledge and passion. They don’t sell out, because selling out involves destroying the best of what they are.